IATSE Local 680 Logo

IATSE Local 680

Delivering live entertainment to the Maritimes since 1929.

About Us

As the premier provider of entertainment labour in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, we have the resources and skilled technicians to support the needs of any production.Please contact our Business Agent to learn more about our services and to discuss how we can help support your event.

Executive Board

James Kew
president [at] iatse680.ca

  Vice President & Call Steward  
Debbie Richardson
vicepresident [at] iatse680.ca
(902) 497-9697

  Business Agent  
Colin Richardson
businessagent [at] iatse680.ca
(902) 452-6263

Ben Sampson
treasurer [at] iatse680.ca

  Recording Secretary  
Sean Burke
recordingsecretary [at] iatse680.ca

Doug Cox
doug [at] iatse680.ca
Vic Warman
vic [at] iatse680.ca

Join our call list!

IATSE Local 680 provides technical services and skilled crew labour to event and entertainment producers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.We maintain a permittee call list used when we receive requests for crew that cannot be fulfilled by our membership alone. Our permittees are offered excellent wages with four-hour minimum calls wherever they work.We not only look for people with developed skills in the industry, but also those who are not afraid of hard work, are willing to listen and learn, and can work well in a team atmosphere. We are committed to the education and development of our crew through ongoing training.This is an excellent opportunity for someone who needs flexibility in their schedule, is looking for additional income, or is interested in joining the event production industry.Applicants registering interest using this form will be contacted on an as-needed basis by the Call Steward.

Working Guidelines

Crew members will be provided a full copy of our working guidelines as part of their orientation package during their first call.IATSE Local 680 maintains a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, or for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol during a call.Crew members are also required to comply with COVID-19 and other safety guidelines as defined by venues or individual event promoters. These requirements may be in addition to current public health guidance or provincial government requirements.

Required Equipment

  • CSA-approved steel-toed safety footwear is required for all calls

Recommended Equipment

  • Work gloves

  • 6" or 8" adjustable wrench

  • Multi-tool (Leatherman, Gerber, etc.)

  • Flashlight

Apply Now!

Contact Us

  Call Steward  (902) 497-9697
  Phone  (902) 455-5016
  Fax  (902) 455-0398

  By Mail  
PO Box 711 Stn Central
Halifax NS B3J 2T3

For more information on the services we provide, or to discuss hiring our crew for your event, contact our Business Agent using the form below.

Message Sent

Thank you for your message! We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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